Sunshine Award

Tqvm Muzai for the love u!!!

The rules and regulations :

1. Put the logo on your blog - DONE

2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers - DONE

1. Lili - I'm listen... I'm speak... and I'm write...

2. Nonny - Part of my life

3. Ikin - Coretan Mummy Eqen

4. Farah Asyikin - I am Araiztocrat

5. Farah -Fuad - No Half maybe Quarter

6. Majidah - permataqaseh

7. Sis Ilah - Life is beautiful

8. Aida - eyedalicious

9. Farah Firdaus - Kau dan Aku

10. Kak Jue - Keluarga Kebod

11. My sis - Iswatie Family

12. Haliza - H & H Aku dan Dirimu

3. Link to the nominees within your post - DONE

1. Lili

2. Nonny

3. Ikin

4. Farah Asyikin

5. Farah Fuad

6. Majidah

7. Sis Ilah

8. Aida

9. Farah Firdaus

10. Kak Jue

11. My sis

12. Haliza

4. Let them know they are received this award by commenting on their blog - I'll comment to their blog after I send this post

5. Share the love and the link the person from whom you received this award. - DONE


EyeDa said...

terima kasih,Puan Nora. Later2 i post kt blog i okies.Punnaattt baru blk dari negeri sembilan.

Thanks again for the award.

lilieyz said...

kak nora..pastu nak wat mcm ner ngan award ni ? upload jd picture ek? ahaha..sungguh naive bab2 ini

Afira said...

Lili, haah..upload pic award tuh..then tampal kt blog lili..buat mcm posting kak nora tuh..kena dedicates kt org lain lak..nih kes terlebih ghajin..hehehehehe..bkn senang nk dpt meh kita awardkan diri..

Haliza Haron said...

tq bg award.

haih lama x buka blog, ni lah jdnyer.